10 Schalks Crossing Rd
Plainsboro, NJ 08536

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Virtual Doorman Service
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Virtual Doorman Service

The UPS Store
10 Schalks Crossing Road
Plainsboro, NJ 08536

609.275.9UPS Tel
609.275.9897 Fax

M-F 8-6:30
Sat  9-3
Sun Closed

Map and Directions



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Virtual Doorman Service?
By signing up for this service, The UPS Store will safely sign for and hold your packages and Messenger drop-offs for you. You will be notified every time a package or drop off is received for you. You can then pick up the package at your convenience.

What are the advantages of this service ?
The main advantage is that you no longer need to re-arrange your schedule to be home for a package delivery, particularly when delivery windows cover a number of hours.
Another advantage is not having to deal with missed delivery attempts and the disappointment of finding another Yellow "Delivery Missed" stickie on your door.

What are the fees for this service?
There is a $5 fee per package received, payable when you pick up your package.

If we receive more than one package in a single day, the fee for the additional packages drops to $2.

Storage fees of $2/day apply to packages starting on the 15th day after we received the package.

What types of packages does MBE accept?
We can receive packages up to 75 lbs. in weight w/o size limitations.
We can accept packages delivered by common carriers such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, Airborne as well Messenger drop-offs and private deliveries (dry-cleaners, flowers, etc.)
This service does not include deliveries of the US Postal Service (Mail). Rental of a mailbox and completion of a Mailbox Service Agreement is required for US Mail receipt.

How does it work?
As soon as you sign up for this service, we will provide you, via mail, e-mail or fax, with detailed instructions as to how packages need to be addressed.


Ship to: Virtual Doorman # xxxxx
            c/o The UPS Store
            10 Schalks Crossing Road
            Plainsboro, NJ 08536

What happens if a package gets lost or damaged?
All claims for loss or damage prior to the receipt at The UPS Store must be addressed to the sender or to the carrier involved in the transport.
The UPS Store does not accept responsibility for damages to packages received as The UPS Store does not evaluate the condition of the packages at the time of delivery. Only packages that represent an obvious safety hazard will be refused delivery (i.e. leaking fluids or other substances, jagged edges, etc.)
All packages received are insured by The UPS Store against loss for up to $10,000 per package

Custom Calendars
Now available for 2004



Small or big. We have boxes for your many needs.


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